Life and Cricket !!

Well, India has just lost an ODI vs Australia. Err.. I shouldn't have started my first blog like this. Looking through the window, on a Sunday evening, what I'm seeing is a bright yellow thing fading with time but getting ready for the arrival of spring. This is the best part of a day. Ummm, I don't think I can write about anything but cricket right now, so here I go.. Its been a while since India won something worthwhile in cricket. But for me INDIA=CRICKET. On the 2nd day of April last year India won the World Cup, and Dhoni, after a rough patch was the man again. Social networking sites, newspapers and everyone hailed him has the greatest captain ever. But this did not last long. Some days ago when India lost to England and Australia in consecutive test series(away), all Indians had just one man to blame. On facebook and twitter, pict...