
Showing posts from February, 2014

That boring lecture

A boring lecture is when my brain is most active. Yeah, that's right. What all goes around in my head is surprisingly insane.  Starts with, "What am I doing here ?" "Lets draw Heisenberg on the last page" "Okay, now try to pay attention" "Is this the saddest thing ever ? No wait, Turbo C can give some solid competition" "Lets count the number of people in the class today" "WTF ! never seen this guy before in this class !" "Okay, back to the lecture" "Why did they include this subject in the syllabus ?" "What on earth is happening here?" "Why did Walter White go by the name "Heisenberg" and not "Schrodinger" ?" "George R.R. Martin is so old. What if he fails to conclude Game Of Thrones" "This does not look correct, lets draw Heisenberg again" "WTF ! 45 minutes more :/" *Checks phone* "0 notificati...