One Last Time

I have already attended my last lecture. Reality just struck me. No more of those panic discussions before the viva. No more of those late night Skype calls. Assignment completion. Discussions on WhatsApp groups. Mocking first benchers. Cribbing about the food in canteen. Some things are about to end. I'm not sure how I'll feel when I'll walk through the corridor of the fourth floor one last time. May be some memories will come back to me. I'm going to miss every little thing. Something as small as scribbling on the bench or sitting on the stairs or rushing back to class after the lunch break to catch the last seat. There's this person who came and sat next to me at the Principal's address on the first day. I had no idea, the bond which had initiated then would go on to become this strong. He told me his name was Aman. Second year of college, Jeevjyot announced himself to PICT as he sat on the bench behind me with his iPad on the desk and iPhone in his hand...