Why God, Why ?

A few kids were playing cricket, while Bachchan was rambling through the condensed streets of Chennai. And.. Smack! The ball hit him in the groin. He walked away quietly, trying his best to suppress the pain, while the kids laughed their asses off.
It was four past noon and he had completely forgotten about his lecture at a junior college in the city. For starters, this person knew nothing about his subject. It took him 20 minutes to reach his classroom.
“Good Evening everyone!”, Bachchan said, as he entered the class. “Off-Off-Off-Off”, whispered the entire class in a perfect rhythm. Well, this is not the kind of welcome you want after being hit in the groin. He ignored the boos. 
“So relative motion.. !”, Bachchan started with his subject.
“Motion.. Motion may have a different appearance as viewed from a different frame..”, Bachchan stammered, as he looked into his fat textbook to complete the sentence. “.. of reference”, he continued.
“Pch.. Pch.. Pch.. Pch”, the students started again. He kept staring at the students, and asked a few to change their positions. Whispers grew louder, and Bachchan's patience just touched the roof.
“Sssshhhhhhhhhhhh.. Sssshhhhhhhhhh”, this was Bachchan's first move to get back at his students.
He resumed, “Motion may have a different appearance as viewed..”.
“Sir, no offence, but you're just saying the same thing again”, one of the students interrupted.
“Go to last bench and keep standing there”, Bachchan responded, and this was his second move.
“But.. but what did I do ?”, asked the student.
“Don't argue, do what is said or leave the class immediately”, he said.
The class remained quiet for the next 30 minutes, and he did manage to teach some things about Relative Motion. But this was Bachchan, no one could really stand this man. A couple of guys started whispering some old Hindi songs. This distracted Bachchan, but he continued to pretend ignorance.
Later he started discussing some physics problem, “.. so the equation is sin 45 * velocity / distance”. “Shouldn't it be cos 45 ?”, one of the students asked. “Oh yes, it should be cos 45, not sin.. good good”, he applauded the kid, as others giggled.
Towards the end of the lecture everyone started moaning, making different sounds of mockery, banging desks, banging pens on desks -
“Thud Thud Thud”
“Thunk Thunk Thunk”
“Pch Pch Pch”
Bachchan finally gave up. He had no other option but to request the class to stop this. The sounds weakened gradually, as he left.
He went straight to the bus stop, where he could finally breathe some non-sarcastic air. This did not last long, as an over-crowded bus arrived. Some men were hanging by the door, some having one foot in the bus and the other foot feeling the gravity. He did manage to get into it, and reached the front end of the bus. Bachchan struggled his way to reach his back pocket, only to discover - he had just got mugged. The conductor politely asked him to leave.

He kept walking.. walking towards the sunset. Depressed and frustrated with the on-going things, he threw his fat physics textbook into the ocean. He looked at the sky, and yelled as loud as he could - "WHY GOD, WHY ?"
The next day, he woke up to find a rare unread message on his phone. The message said -
“Meet me near the wash room on the 4th floor of the Biology Department, if you want things to change”
No, that was not Morgan Freeman from Bruce Almighty, that was just another prank by one of his students.


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