Free ? Let's judge random people

I just talked to an old friend after a really long time. A casual conversation which started with "How are you?" and stuff. I don't know how, we ended up talking about other people. This probably is the worst human trait. When you can't think of anything to talk about, you judge random people. "What a loser ! he's a Justin Bieber fan", "My textbook is more entertaining than his tweets", "Of all the people why is she dating him ?", "She completes all her assignments on time. She has no life".. Sometimes I feel like saying "TOH MAIN KYA KARU ?" For all I know, I judge people all the time. In engineering colleges, some people use the word "NERD" a bit too casually. You ask a doubt or you score above average marks, you'll hear some voices calling you "nhherd ! nhherd !" (In a deep masculine voice) Back in 10th grade I remember asking this guy, "Why do you ask stupid questi...