That Thin Line

There is always a thin line. There are always two sides. Like the thin line between nice funny and getting-slapped-in-the-face funny, or the thin line between i-am-good confidence and i-am-better-than-you confidence, or the most clichéd - love and hate. 

There is a thin line between the usage of some words in Europe and USA.  The difference is so eccentric, countries like India get confused. For instance, the usage of the words "ma'am" and "madam". "Madam" is actually an offensive word to use in some parts of the world. 

The other day I was waiting for the signal to turn green. An old man, probably in his mid-sixties, was standing by his bicycle along the left side of the road. A person behind him on a pulsar wanted to take a left turn, but couldn't as the old man was blocking his path. He started honking and he asked him to move ahead. The person was already on the edge, he ignored. The guy on the bike kept on honking. The old man panicked and started moving across the road towards the right side.. Aaannd the signal turned green. Now imagine the horror. At least 10-15 people started honking and yelling, asking him to move faster. 

This is not the first time I've seen something like this in Pune. But people so need to grow up. That man was not a 15 year old kid. He was an old man. Those people couldn't wait even for a few more seconds. There's a limit to everything. I felt bad for him. And to be honest, I did nothing to help him. 

The traffic situation is dreadful in most parts of Pune. Instead of following their signal, some people keep monitoring the adjacent one. The moment it goes red, that's their cue to move, even if the one they are supposed to follow is still red. Of course, because people who want to walk across, don't deserve the extra minute?

Okay. I just realized I started with something and I have no idea how and why I wrote about the traffic situation in Pune. Thank you for your time. 

Happy Diwali!
8th consecutive year without crackers. Some of you might argue, it did not matter. But it has actually been a great feeling. Please try and say no to crackers this time?


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