The Tunnel

The tunnel is dark. You know there's no light at the end of the tunnel. And yet you want to go through it. That's how bad emotions can control a person. It is probably a beautiful thing as long as one stays away from the self-destruct button. I hope I haven't pressed one already.
"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion" - Dale Carnegie
Most of my decisions have "emotion" as one of the parameters. I don't know if it's a good thing. But the battle of rational and emotional arguments, is totally one sided. The latter always wins. Unless you're Dhoni. If you are, you don't need to worry about all this. Your "gut" knows better.

Every time you come up with a set of reasonable points to back a good practical choice, the damn emotion will sway you towards the other. It drives you away from reality. But again, there's no fun in doing something just for its material aspect. It's like supporting a football club. You just can't stop cheering for your favorite team if they're losing. You support them no matter what. Sometimes its better to let emotions decide something for you.

I know some people who don't give a shit about anything else when they are about to do something big. I've never seen them happy though. There are some, who just pretend to give a f**k. They often seem happy. Pretense? I don't know. I've never been able to understand these people. But most others can't get rid of the emotional part. These are the victims of humanity.

In an ideal world, emotions and decisions should be mutually exclusive. But they are not. Some one very close to me was a victim of all this. It wouldn't be completely wrong if I say, "emotion" was the cause of his end. And may be, we all will be someday.


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