
Came back from my Goa trip with a swollen ear and now a few injections. But if I look back, I had an amazing time, a different experience. I remember last year, how reluctantly we all went to the project competition, down south. This time it was different. Spent a better part of the trip in southern Goa. One of the highlights would be the visit to Velsao beach. Absolutely loved the untroubled aura of this place. Beautiful, clean and peaceful. And the sand, it was so soft. Hundreds of birds, less than half a dozen humans and a dog. It was like the complete opposite of beaches in the north. A massive flock of birds were sitting on the shore, perfectly organized. It looked spectacular. From where i was, it looked like they were doing some thinking, "What to do about these human stalkers?". Sounds funny when I say it now, but I actually tried chasing them. As I walked nearer, they started drifting towards the farther end, still maintaining the shape. Obviously, I ended up scaring them, and they all flew away. But I could capture a few pictures, like the one below. With a few pints of beer, you can spend hours here. Not days though. You don't want to drown in your own philosophy. Go back to the north when you feel you've pondered enough.


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