Moments of epiphany

Wow. It's been a while.
A few good people reminded me that I have a blog. I've been super busy for the last couple of months. Back to normal now.

Around this time last year, I was preparing myself to move to Bangalore. During my finals I used to  spend more time on Quora/blogs just to find out more about the city. About the food, houses, stories of people there, and more. Then Veritas happened and I had the toughest decision to make. Decided to stay in Pune. When I got the offer, a part of me had already made the decision. But I had to justify it with some pros and cons. Justify to whom? I don't know. Things have been amazing here. For all I know, in a parallel universe, someone's updating this post from Bangalore. Haha. But I hope he's doing well there.

Facebook keeps bringing back all these memories. Some facepalm moments, some massive facepalm moments, some moments of pride, some happy moments. Brings out a different emotion every time. How we've all changed in so little time.

Last week, I spoke with an old friend, who talks a LOT. Always felt, the word loquacious was invented for this guy. And I had this sudden realization, 'Wow! my level of patience has reached a new level'. And I did not find the conversation very annoying. I'm actually trying to make this a habit. To look at the good in everyone I meet and just ignore the negative part. Of course, I'm not going to do that if you make me listen to Honey Singh songs. Or if you compare Gerrard and Scholes. Or if you speak ill of Vim. Or if you mock Game Of Thrones.

Speaking of Game of Thrones, it's back! And it's that time of the year, when you start looking forward to Monday mornings in India. Like all fans, I'm still in the denial phase.

Will it snow in May? Make it happen, red woman.

Quite a few things have happened in football, since the last time I wrote. Marcus Rashford is living his dream like no one has. More than the goals I'm impressed with the intelligence he plays with. And Leicester! After getting promoted to the Premier League last season, they came back from 3-1 to win 5-3 against us. And today they had a chance to win the league at Old Trafford. What a beautiful story.

For united, let's hope for some FA cup glory this season. "Wemberly, Wemberly.. We're the famous Man united and we're going to Wemberly"


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