Offend please

How effortlessly can we find offence in random things? We have a beautiful skill.
But if you feel you're not very good at it, you're on the right page.

"India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters..."
"What do you mean YOUR country? Are you saying it's not my country? You are anti-national!"

"I really like my new MacBook"
"Some people cannot afford the fruit apple, and all you can think of is your Apple MacBook?
How insensitive? Do you even feel bad for them?"
"Of course I do"
"How is that going to help them? You feeling bad is not going to solve their problem"

"The music is so loud. Hate it"
"You disgust me. How dare you disrespect Goddess Saraswati?"
"Dude, you're listening to Badshah"

"Do you accept money via PayTM?"
"You think I don't know what PayTM is? You think I don't know how to use the Internet? You trying to say I have black money?"

"I'm so not a morning person"
"You're calling me an idiot for waking up early. Aren't you? Do you know the importance of waking up early? You're disrespecting the Sun. You're disrespecting God. I will never understand your generation."

"I think I've lost interest in Cricket?"
"You are anti-national"

"This traffic on Baner road is really bad sometimes"
"Yeh road tere baap ka hai? The world does not revolve around you"

"Do you need some help?"
"You think you're better than me?"

"I visited Udaipur last month. It's a lovely city"
"What's wrong with Jodhpur?"

"There's a tree plantation activity next week. You want to join?"
"Why are you asking me? I'm not responsible for global warming"

"The weather in Pune is unbearable these days"
"Go to Pakistan. Anti-National!"


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