
Three years ago I joined PICT. Still remember those days, as if all that happened last month. Time flies only when you don't want it to. A lot happened in the these three years. Strangers became friends, friends became strangers. But these friends will remain this way for a long long time. Probably now I'm mature enough to decide where a friend should be - Stack or a Priority Queue.

First day in college, some one asked me, "Pallod Creations(a saree shop) tumhara hai kya ?" I said NO. He was hoping for some discount may be. People still ask me this.

FE was super strict. More like 5th grade. Wish I could use that attendance now in BE. Those subtle OFF OFF chants which became a regular thing in SE, didn't really have a good start. "You want OFF ? I'll give you permanent OFF" was the exact reply, if I remember correctly. It did become a big issue. Scared as shit, we did not try that for some time. I still don't know why I feel this way, but FE in PICT was a memorable year in a nice way. Everything was so much simpler in 2011.

SE - new class, some familiar faces, some new faces and one bird. One scary and creepy bird. (I hope the metaphor is clear). Oh and the OFF-OFF chants had started working finally!

TE was nicer. I know Manchester United did screw up big time. But still.
Mass bunks became more real. Weekend visits to Burger King became more frequent with GM members. TE started with Credenz, an event I'll always remember. Some very good moments and some frustrating moments. Overall, I'll always be proud I was a part of the Credenz team. Internship at TouchMagix was another nice experience. Worked on a domain which was completely new to me - Image Processing. But my favorite moment in TE has to be when my project group was formed.

Follow The Code (Abhale, Aman, Hrishi, Sidhesh)

That's my group name. If you're a Dexter fan, you'll know what it means. Every person on this planet follows a set of protocols. Even the one who believes in following no rule. You do something, do it the right way. Follow the code. I guess we were one of the first ones to form the project group in my batch. We all knew each other very well, and the bonding was perfect. I couldn't have asked for better group members.

I’ll be now writing about the three interview experiences of May, June and July. May be some day, to revisit this phase, I’ll come here again.

We did some research on different companies/organizations offering BE projects. Short listed a few. Rolocule, L3Cube, Dreamz and a few others, were the ones we were very interested in.
  • Rejection - 1. The assignments which we solved for the second round was our first group activity. Overall a great experience. The final round interview did not go the way we would have liked. We did give our best, but couldn't get through. To be a part of this process was a great experience. We still had a few options to look forward to.
  • Rejection - 2. Round 1 and 2 went pretty well. Got selected for the final round. Results of the other sponsorship drive were declared before the final round of this one. And so we decided to give our best this time. I don’t know why, but we were all very motivated to crack this. The interview went very well, and we were very confident on getting through. Sadly, that did not happen. The results were declared in the night and we all were very shocked. The last thing we expected had just happened. We couldn't think of anything where we lacked. May be the other groups were better than us. May be, it wasn't just our day. The fear of rejection started building up. It’s funny how the want for something increases exponentially when it is denied to you. The next few days after this rejection were the hardest days of my engineering life.  
  • Rolocule. This was always on the top of our list. This time we had to crack it. We had no back up. Aptitude and interview went well. Results were announced 4 days later. These four days in between were again very tough. After two rejections, our confidence was definitely not good. And because of this, all the negative thoughts kept haunting us. During this time we couldn't think of anything but this. Though our interview was good, we weren't sure if it was good enough. Last Tuesday, I attended the practical and came back home. Dozed off at 11:00 am. Woke up an hour later. Checked my phone. 10 missed calls and 100+ messages in the WhatsApp group.
                      Rolocule results were out. That moment. Inexplicable. 

    Note to self-
                      March 22, 2015: RoloKnow. Things happen for a reason. :-D


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