Stop talking!

How to ask people to stop talking without actually asking them to? A simple smile is never enough. Sometimes it encourages the person to talk more. I was at the passport office last December, waiting for my turn. Still remember the family sitting next me, talking and talking about stuff none of them cared about for all I know. Wanted to get out of there. A few minutes later I got a call from my mother. And as fate would have it, those guys heard me talk in the same language they've been talking all this time.
Out of no where, they started talking to me. "Where are you from? What do you do? Which college?..."

And I was more like, "Are you kidding me? Who the f*** are you? Stop talking."

Obviously I did not say all this.

I'm sure everyone has a weird relative who just cannot stop talking about anything. Politics, work, movies, sports, other relatives. Yes, some people always have an opinion. Even when you don't need one. And they want you to agree with them. You see them once a month or something, and they'll go on and on. When someone says "Hi", you're just supposed to say "Hi" again. Don't tell them what you did the entire month. And NO I am not interested in your relationship with your neighbors. And I don't want to listen about what your colleagues think about you.

There are people who don't watch Cricket/Football and yet they love to talk about it. I'm not saying you should watch Cricket. But just don't talk about it if you don't.

And the wonderful loquacious people who like to sit on the first few benches, also, celebrities like Siddhu, Piers Morgan. These guys talk a lot. Seriously, they need help.

If you think I'm talking about you, probably I AM!


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