The Illusion was shattered

         Ancient Romans believed in a superstition that an infertile woman touched by a man in some kind of race could make her fertile. Like every married man, Julius Caesar too wanted to be a father. Caesar was too egoistic to accept anything which put a question on him being a man
Festival of Lupercal (44 BC)..
         This feast was to honor godess Pan, who was considered to be the godess of fertility. This was celebrated in the middle of february and some believe that the Valentine's day has its origin here. It was the day he came back to Rome, when Caesar asked Antony to participate in the race and touch Calpurnia. He, like all the Romans believed that this would shake off her sterile curse. But that did no good. 

Later that night when Caesar returned home..

Calpurnia: Hey Caese, waddup?
Caesar: It has always been Caesar’s dream to play with his kids. Give me kids right now.
Calpurnia: Calm down Caese, we need to talk.
Caesar: Caesar has no time for a purposeless talk.
Calpurnia: Its about your kids Julia and Caesarion. A little bird dropped a letter in the balcony last night, which may solve some problems.  
Caesar: (ignores)
Calpurnia: Minutes before her death, your first wife Cornelia had written a letter, which clearly says that Julia is not your daughter. Three years ago, you had sent Antony to Egypt for a few months. An year later Cleopatra gave birth to Caesarion.
Caesar: Im Julius Caesar.. JULIUS CAESAR!!
Calpurnia: Your name ain’t enough. Be a man. Your life is an illusion. Get out of it.

        That moment, Caesar's life flashed before him more clearly than ever. All illusions were shattered as he started feeling unwanted by the world. A man who never underestimated himself, desperately needed a shoulder to cry on. Born in a patrician family, he never thought he would have to see this day. This made him weaker and weaker. He then decided to adopt Octavius Caesar, which he did through his will. A month later a group of conspirators, stabbed him to death.  
        If staying away from realty makes your day, stay away from it. Sometimes being illuded can be more preferable option. 
          P.S. This is not a true story.


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